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Spirit Water Village mutation, special, micro cell beautify flower garden gardening green plants, can completely change the whole Fengcheng counted in the big willow "tree of God," the head. Is perfect evidence Fengcheng underground tangled roots, not to mention the direction of these roots extending north Daliushu exactly where, and roots will soon extend Daliushu connected together. Sure enough, Wei Lu Ling Xi hear white Qieluo Bo still a little surprised, "to cut half a carrot?" "such……" "Thank you, Grandpa." Lu Ling Xi thanked the smiling, Yan took more swiftly ran inside. Seven coming when Lu Ling Xi was rubbing his eyes and sat up. See he was ready to get up, the more color came over and kissed him, and said softly: "?. How much sleep a what to eat in the morning, I do." Lu Ling Xi the kitten big black provocative things to say again, a little worried kitten a little too clever. Of course, the smartest or large black, big black except he sometimes feel not speak, exactly like humans. Lu Ling Xi helpless, he had just eaten lunch not long, it is to eat. Just waiting for him to refuse opening, Wang Shuxiu think guessed his thoughts, blunt in his face pinched, "Is not wash their hands to eat something? Brat, Intuit much stress." "Yo, peak brother came to Xie Hui to a drink."

stainlee steel pipe No matter how Wang Shuxiu heart apprehension, fear brat on social disadvantage, micro-gardening or simply neatly placed under the name of Lu Ling Xi, black and white, and even on the business license have been replaced Ling Xi Lu. stainlee steel pipe Author has to say: Today's update to get everyone we see you tomorrow night ~ ~stainlee steel pipe Lu Ling Xi Wang Shuxiu holding arm, whispered scoff the sentence, "the little bastard."

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