Lu Ling Xi obedient nod. 香港公司名 含group Yan looked at him the more refreshing look, eyes washes out the layers smile, softly: "I'll pick you up." He finished just hold the hand of nature Ling Xi Lu, Lu Ling Xi some did not react, has been he took the car. They did not sit in the front but are crowded in the back seat. Yan Yue explained that fear was coming back late, they saw the car was scared, rear glass is black, just to cover the two figure. stainlee steel pipe

Hai Yan face showing off, "Dad, you do not want to go Fengcheng get to it? I am looking for someone to find out, and now Fengcheng lot of space, but in the suburbs. Town ready to develop the South only over there behind the building foundation many residents waiting for the demolition of it. " "Roar." For Kang Ye, then, is not color the more seriously, he pulled a chair before the desk and sat down, repeat the question again: "? Sulang how to say" QiuJun directing other workers to the car moved down the inside of the pot, some small pride against Brother Lee said: "You see how Brother Lee?" "Other gardening stores?" Meditated high Yongliang, "their large scale? Yes mass production it? Floral stable?" Yen more expression unchanged, casually told: "Let her die." "How? Does not taste good?" Lu Ling Xi surprised, big black appetite is four buns, two fundamental enough to eat. Lu Ling Xi shook his head, "is not old customers to it twice." Xue Ling Xi Lu Tong privately depressed and did not know, all his focus was on the evolution of begonia breeding.

Lu Ling Xi shook his head, he does not know how it was. Fortunately, since the Yen over, I do not call out the big black, but still wary of squatting on the ground, looking back direction. Xiao Hong simply thrilled. Xiao Feng Wang Shuxiu listening to reason and my heart happy, but also angry a mouth, "This is what time to eat." The little boy nodded firmly, look to the big yellow dog. Big yellow dog seems very afraid of the big black, far away from the big black, facing the little boy cried. The boy blinked, soft tone, said: "A brother Huang said it was like you, I like your brother." She does not speak, Xiao Feng does not speak, but took Wang Shuxiu walked over from his work and went to work. Xiao Feng Wang Shuxiu looked at my heart at ease, readily said:. "That tomorrow, do not look for gained them, we will come back a little bastard who eat a meal."

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