Lu Ling Xi hesitated a few seconds, the end is not to hold back and asked: "how he now?" Aware of the problem wrong, Lu Ling Xi hide explained: "I say I am your friend exactly the same name, he What to do? " mavic aksium White far muttered, "I would think that the third brother is now very good. You do not like Fengcheng a brother of that girl? She previously despise us, and now to the third brother in front of her a push, did not properly properly problem." blind flange

Lu a water joyful heart, this man really understanding Lu Ling Xi. He seemed surprised to see more color, "Do you know my son, he ......" "Pooh." Xiao Feng Wang Shuxiu the angry one, turned their first laugh. Fang Lei face the beginning of the interest has disappeared, he turned into a weird. He just kind of illusion that dogs seem to be in negotiations. This feeling too obvious, but how could that be? I looked on that big yellow dog aggressive, why it has to be afraid of an old dog? Why would get away? Fang Lei shook his head, that he is certainly influenced by the big black. Saw a large black dog so spiritual, the dog seems to feel around them have become spiritual. Fang Lei drove past the entrance to the village when the dog before being blocked man has gone, and the little boy and the big yellow dog still standing. Big yellow dog in front of the little boy whispered, cried, the little boy nodded solemnly, as if able to understand what the big yellow dog in the same call. When done more quickly holding Yan Ling Xi Lu re-crossed the bath, she returned to the bedroom. Lu Ling Xi was such a frustrating and somewhat sleepy, rolled quilt heavy sleep. Yen more quietly sitting on the bed staring at his sleeping face looked a long while, softly left the bedroom, giving Kang leaves make a telephone call. Men's reasonable request, that he would have to be large to save the black, he made a big black thing adoptions also logical. Ling Xi Lu just saw a large black one, a little reluctant to let go of the big black, since men are willing to take a step back, but there is time to look at the big black, he was of course no problem. Lu Yan Ling Xi schematically see of the living room a few tables on the box. "It is?" Yan more vaguely guessed anything, but is afraid to confirm. Wang Shuxiu not happy, "how can we not worry! Two men together, you know ......" Micro-gardening about to close when Lu Ling Xi Yan received the phone. This was the call Lu Yan Lingxi third phone. Yan nothing more, just told Lu Ling Xi way home safety. By approaching the year, the most recent security Fengcheng some confusion, petty theft a lot more in the vicinity of residential land Ling Xi lived, took place only a week three robberies. "Yo, peak brother came to Xie Hui to a drink."

"Scared, right? In fact, nothing is a little shook. Fengcheng old earthquake here, like a habit." Uncle Lee a weathered tone. Plant Name: Green dill Lu Ling Xi accustomed to the big black each time after his questioning would call out, this suddenly silent, he lengleleng reaction was over. Black looked serious expression, he was carrying a large black Puchi laughed. Laugh Lu Ling Xi feel that they want more, more, and he is not the same color, as well as his own work. Yan is now the only vacation time every day just to stay in the store, and so leave the Yen ending, micro gardening still left him alone. To say he had a large black accompanied, in fact, not have to face her brother to stay in the store. He and Xiao Feng say so, Wang Shuxiu will put down the heart. Poor black just because the "bite" Lu Ling Xi, Wang Shuxiu penalty was not allowed to eat breakfast, can only bite the tail pointed toward the ground saucer of milk drooling. "? The return of the Yen" Sulang quite surprised at the news, then regret and said: "eating is no chance, I resigned, I am not in Beijing back in the Fengcheng." Wang Shuxiu hesitation Han Zhu Ling Xi Lu. Lu Ling Xi crooked eyes, and smiled again. "Ok." High Yongliang this basin begonia said the better, the more helpless Xue Tong expression. Finally finished the other side, he was quite weak and said:. "This is not our kind of flower garden, gardening in the store to buy other like old money, I'll buy a pot Qianlao" Yen more nodded, crossed the courtyard and walked toward his housekeeper.

blind flange Kang Ye silent for a long while, blunt the subject. "Yes, I said the name Ling Xi Lu how so familiar, just move the pots when suddenly remembered. Chukyo lujia you know, they called home youngest grandson Lu Ling Xi. But I heard two months ago has died." blind flange . "You do not have to explain," Li Yao followed: "The small West died, I know you're sad." He paused and said:. "...... Konishi is a good boy, now regarded as surplus mining retribution it."blind flange "Xiao Feng do not like?"

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