"The money you owe me for you, you and a small West's mother divorced." The more cold Yan Road. slip on flange "Oh." Lu Ling Xi casually promised a cry, got up to go. Yan is more a hold of him over here eyes were full of tempting tender. Yan brought back the lips, deep voice, "Konishi not promise you good?" carbon steel slip on flange

"You ......" a land without water driven to light, vague asked. Yan Ling Xi Lu in the bow of the head pro at, as appropriate, and said:. "I find a box to keep it in there to see what it looks like before tomorrow morning can untie knot pretty good" he said, thoughtfully watching to a small black snake, allowing big black reaction so big, this small black snake is definitely not an ordinary snake. Just saw a small black snake knot untied anxious look, the more color headache up, even if it's another powerful breed, so stupid but what is the use. Dinner for two is already more than nine, Ye Kang in downtown Beijing have their own house, the more a person Yan Yan drove back to the mansion. Yan mansion located in Beijing's most prestigious at the foot of the Fragrant Hills, an area of ​​broad, is an antique four into the courtyard. When Yan Yue grandfather built this year Zhaizi and think of Yan Jiazi Sun flourishing, beauty and a beautiful life together. Unfortunately, until the old man died, the mansion owner Yan Yan and only three of the parents and the Yen. Still later, the parents leave young Yan Yan were moved out of the house, the owner of this house also left the Yen a person. "Thirty million." Father leaves quietly last placards. Xue off the pass and high Yongliang, Wang Chaoliang appointment seemed to be like carrying a bunch of look over the New Year. They differ with Xue Tong, Wang Chaoliang bring Grandma Wang are stocking their own home do have a halogen Wangwang chicken with yellow rice cakes Grandma Wang play, and some assorted fried snacks. Large black paw poke to get the shotgun, quickly sprang a stray dog, ran off the only gun. Black squinted around in a circle, facing it with a few people shiver: "Dog dog ...... Tai Sin?" "Well, a person to eat a meal." Xiao Feng promised, then they do not mind flashed the color of the shadow, do not know a person inside said Wang Shuxiu count more color, but this is the more they have to Yen worry about things. Lu Ling Xi: "......" After Lu Ling Xi "amnesia", with Wei Zheng sighed and white tone, it is a lot of boring, plus far enough away, which is usually a phone call to ask Lu Ling Xi send messages to the body. Like this trivia They are generally easy route to chat with, and then by the easy route as gossip passed Lu Ling Xi.

carbon steel slip on flange Black eager to probe too far muffled cry, Lu Ling Xi smiled and reached out to scratch his big black chin, Yan interrupted and the topic. carbon steel slip on flange Lu Ling Xi: "......"carbon steel slip on flange "Su brother certainly hope to put into operation one day earlier, he had said it wanted to invent a cure for leukemia treatment, so a lot of people do not suffer." Lu Ling Xi Having realized what some timid look to Yen more.

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